Or 8? (s.o.b.r.i.e.t.y.)
Sandman was wondering if Hoggboy were going to get it right with their debut album. On their night a blinding live band and their second single ‘So Young’ certainly suggested something better than average. Set that against their timing - 4 leather ‘n’ levis clad boys playing tight rock’n’roll in Strokesworld ask to be judged by big, nasty standards rather than kindlier local musings. On the whole Sandman reckons they’ve got it just about right.
If you’ve seen them live Or 8? won’t come as a shock. They’ve taken their set and with the help of Clash producer, Chris Thomas, and a touch of Richard Hawley have knocked some lumps off while retaining the bollocks which can make them a compelling gig.
Like any debut it ain’t perfect, a couple of tracks, Urgh! and 1.10 are Hoggboy blueprints without the ambition or melody but while new single ‘Upside Down’ fizzes along with its slightly unexpected chorus, songs like ‘Don’t get lost’ and ‘Gonna take me a while’ have a pace and power which suggest this lot are contenders rather than Bums of the month. The first is on aStrokes tip but has that British air that reminds us a bit of early 90s Creation hopefuls, Adorable - bass lead with Tom Hogg’s voice good, strong and measured. The second has a nice hint of the old 60’s r’n’b/beatpop which sucked in the Yanks and ended up on those old Nuggets albums.
Overall it’s sharp and short - concise without being too brief. Good winding up for a night out music. Those leathers still jar but look at the cover and it makes more sense on a New York street than down the Sharrowvale road on a Friday Night. Local boys do good.
Jack Tractor

...in Brown Pyjamas
Rumpus definitely play it fast as and there is more than a hint of the bulbous in their fabulously skewed pop/rock/oddness. Sandman reckons that a sign of a class act is the ability to fill an E.P without spilling a drop and without exhausting the group’s entire repertoire. Here Rumpus have done just that. (credit also to soundman Mark Hadman.)
‘The Vortex’ is genius pop, mixing the pinball zigzagging of Beefheart with the ridiculously melodic chorus’ of prime XTC. Even better is the fact that they’re not merely the product of their influences but sound, for want of a better description, like Rumpus. Go to their website, and check out the lyric page. It’s just scary.
Jack Tractor
Tweak (Ideal/Flexipop)
Sandman was lucky enough to hear this for the first time through a venue sized p.a. late at night, after work and found it to be as catchy as nits. It a huge chunk of electronic glam-rock with a bassline like a spacehopper inflated to the point where it causes the rider a fair degree of personal discomfort. It’s also one of those self-referential songs which is simply enough about dancing at the disco, to be listened to while dancing at the disco. Sonically it’s different from Daft Punk’s ‘Around The World’ and that ‘music sounds better with you’ (can’t remember title or group) but it’s got that pop edge which sticks in the mind.
Jack Tractor
Bozzwell & Myers
Chelsea Dub (Procreation)
A nice slice of darkish house, more of a builder than a blaster. It’s polished but perhaps fades from the memory a little too quickly. We heard it on a set of decks at home while our 90 year old neighbours were sleeping so we’ve probably missed out on its full potential. In a club it would sound good, maybe something a DJ would stick on early doors or very,very late. It coasts.
Jack Tractor
New Releases
Bozzwell & Myers
October 2002