Who is she? You’ll have seen Emma, a.k.a La Donna con i capelli grande, all over town as she’s responsible for Headcharge and Juju Club’s publicity. “I do all the physical stuff, tromping around town flyering and postering as well as sorting the e-mails and presspacks etc. We’re getting someone else in soon so I can stay nice and warm in the office, answering the phone in a posh voice.”
How did she end up doing it? “I came to Sheffield Uni to study music and discovered Headcharge in my second year. It was like coming home. After Uni I went to London, found the streets were paved with shit and came back. Headcharge were advertising for a full timer on their website. I applied and got it on the New Deal. Now the job’s expanded and Stag Works is working to become Electroworks (a self-contained music industry centre) and I’ll be working on the educational side of things.”
The Upside: “I get to work with people I love. I can set my own hours. There’s a living room in our office, the doors always open so people can come in, sit down and just have a chat - it’s very communal. It’s great when you’ve got a good night. I’ve just got a total passion for it.”
The Downside: “Flyering in the rain, being blanked by 18 year old students who occasionally tell you to fuck off. I don’t like people being rude”
What’s your bag, baby? “LAB 4, (hard acid trance). I’m listening to some chilled out stuff at the moment, Aim and Grand Central although about a third of my collection is classical - Mozart and Verdi are my favourites.”
Any advice? “It seems like an easy job but it’s damn hard work. It’s worth it though”

The Backroom:
Emma Bighair
November 2002