Irritatingly young bunch of spiky pups who march on stage looking like they’re about to dismantle it and, on occasion, do. Twice now we’ve seen them bash out a set that seems to cover everything from the spirit of ’76 punk to Hawkwindish space rock to good basic angry pop. They played the Sandman launch night last October on the basis of a one-track demo which intrigued us with its mix of keyboard as lead, rock’n’roll and scary vocals. They went on first and even though they looked a bit overwhelmed got some of the old punks in the crowd nodding in recognition. We caught ‘em again last month at a packed Grapes and they were even better. The ex-Barfly flyering team had seemingly shed a few nerves and tore the place up. They ain’t the finished article yet but for such a young band don’t get bogged down in tiresomely contemporary reference points. Bands that use literary references are often just pretentious twats but Kerouac’s speed fuelled writing jags seem a fair starting point for this lot’s music. If you don’t believe us then go along and see them and make up your own mind. They might be the best thing to come out of Chesterfield since Rumpus.

Ones to Watch:
The Dharma Bums
words: Jack Tractor
March 2003